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Parts Month stamp

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  • Parts Month stamp

    Hi guys
    Have at 356 sc from 12/10-1963
    All my interior parts was stored in a building were I have my job, but sadly that building burned down a year ago, and I lost all my interior parts
    I started slowly trying to find the parts again but are not sure what month I must look for when looking for new replacement speedo/rpm/fuel and watch instruments. The instruments that are burned is in such bad shape that I can't se the month and year stamp.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	aaaaaIMG_1966.jpg
Views:	44
Size:	108.3 KB
ID:	82627

  • #2

    Probably a couple months prior to the assembly. Paul Hatfield did a lot of research on the here. Good luck
    Pushed around since 1966.


    • #3
      I would tend to agree with the above info. With my car most internal items including the instruments are dated several months before completion at the factory.

      Hope the parts had some insurance cover, these items are expensive now to replace.



      • #4
        That is a very unfortunate loss but at least you didn't lose the entire car. My 356 is a mid December completion date. The original Wheels, gauges, gas tank, sending unit are all Marked November of that year so I'd say 11/63 date stamped parts are what you're looking for. Best of luck on your search!
        Justin Rio


        • #5
          Thanks Gues
          Just to be sure, ar we talking 12 of oktober or 10 of december 1963 if you look at the porsche registry paper i linket.
          Yes Roy, i had some insurance cover, but since it a year ago the parts burned, the prices for used parts have rised a lot since, so it will not cover it all.


          • #6
            I'm reading the way we do in the U.S.: Month, day, then year. So 12 would represent the month at least to me. I take it in Europe those must be switched??
            Justin Rio


            • #7

              Justin is correct over here its the opposite to the USA. I always find it confusing sometimes. Looking at the registry text in that written information where the date is 12/10/63 the reason I think it is the 10th December 1963 is because the word ' color ' shown on the text is Americanised as over here the word is spelt ' colour '.

              So I guess the person typing that registry info was American?



              • #8
                Hope the person doing the CoA has it right.


                • #9
                  Ed, you are correct. Those in Atlanta (USA) seem to be getting more used to the process but as the Kardex info is now digitized and "European", it is up to the reader (in Atlanta) to get it right.

                  I could not get a CofA for my last Speedster that had the interior color. It took a while to sink in that the letter following the exterior color was the code for the interior color.

                  A man whose Speedster I restored had trouble getting his CoA after applying 8 months ago. He told me just yesterday that a phone call with Atlanta revealed that they had diz-lec-syc-ly transposed two numbers of the chassis ID and HE caught that when he heard the number they were using.

                  Back in the 356 era, the dated parts could have been in the same month if delivered to Porsche early and the chassis built toward the end of that same month. Generally, wheels were a month or two before the completion date per Kardex. I have not seen an original 356 that had anything dated more than 2 months prior to the admitted completion date....but of course, there are always possible aberrations.


