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Porsche Art

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  • Porsche Art

    :dI'm starting to get into Art again , mainly watercolor. I'm trying to gauge any interest in a greeting card with this as the front cover. They will be a standard size , small rather than large. Here's the Art work.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	image_2014-05-09.jpg
Views:	342
Size:	98.0 KB
ID:	41983

    Thanks for any interest, hope this is the proper format.

  • #2
    That is really a nice looking rendering Max. I think you did very well capturing the 356 shape with your use of shadows and reflected light. I think these little cars are probably one of the hardest to draw accurately, especially on an angle. A lot of artist renderings have the car out of proportion in areas and almost look "melted" in sense; they are tough to get right. I think this would make for a very nice greeting card, Great work!
    Justin Rio


    • #3
      Thanks Justin, much appreciated. After I thought about it I realized not many use greeting cards much these days. Most correspond by email and smart phones so paper goes the way of the dinosour .....extinct

      Next our beloved cars , those run on the formulation of the extinct bones of the old Dino will surrender to the smart cars of today and the future. Drive'm while you can, it's still hard to believe they are all 50 years old and older.


      • #4
        True, this wouldn't necessarily have to be a greeting card but with the print technology available these days the options are vast. A niche you could possibly get into might be to do personalized pieces of owners current or past cars. Joel has posted some really nice shots of his green coupe. If you were to create a similar portrait with his car and maybe a nice white-bearded knome in there somewhere I think it would peak his interest. Just throwing out some ideas... Justin
        Justin Rio


        • #5
          Click image for larger version

Name:	image_2014-05-11.jpg
Views:	248
Size:	71.1 KB
ID:	42089
          Here's another one,. Justin these are a little hard to capture.


          • #6
            I think these are great Max! The backgrounds are just as interesting to look at as the primary subject itself. Thank you for sharing these! Justin
            Justin Rio


            • #7
              Thanks Justin, I was inspired by a picture posted here . I realized early on that watercolor has many forms. In some renderings I want some control, but really love the loose and serendipity simplicity that one form develops. It's a difficult medium for me to work in, but that's part of the interest.

              It's like anything else we choose to get involved with , many hours of practice and we reach our best level. I have a long way to go, probably would do well with some classes. So many talented gents on this form, you are all artists . Working on Porsches at your level is like metal sculpture and I love to see your work.I use to be a metal banger but never achieved the level you and many others have displayed here. Beautiful work my friends and thanks for sharing.



              • #8
                Thanks again Max!
                That's true, no matter what the hobby or interest it might be there are always levels upon levels of deeper development and understanding that can be explored. I'm certainly always making new and exciting mistakes and every so often I learn not to repeat them for the 5th time! Looking forward to seeing your next picture.
                Justin Rio


                • #9
                  Click image for larger version

Name:	image_2014-07-09.jpg
Views:	219
Size:	71.4 KB
ID:	45420


                  • #10
                    Very cool Max! Not only are these cars difficult to work on but they are equally as hard to render. Nice work!
                    Justin Rio


                    • #11
                      Click image for larger version

Name:	image_2014-07-11.jpg
Views:	224
Size:	83.6 KB
ID:	45473


                      • #12
                        Is this speedster the subject of your latest work Max?
                        Click image for larger version

Name:	sp30_2014-07-14.jpg
Views:	208
Size:	77.0 KB
ID:	45620
                        Nice job!
                        Justin Rio


                        • #13
                          Yes that's the one Joe Johnson's Speedster. I believe it was sold to Bruce Canopy. It's been one of my favorite. I certainly didn't do it just with this latest rendering. It really started out as an experiment for a new idea I had concerning the wash and high lights therein. I was in a hurry to see this technique result so didn't spend my time on anything else.

                          I will redo it when I get some time for a better result. Continuing the experimentation .
                          Click image for larger version

Name:	image_2014-07-16-2.jpg
Views:	241
Size:	60.3 KB
ID:	45694


                          • #14
                            Inspired by Norms C Outlaw
                            Click image for larger version

Name:	image_2014-07-20-2.jpg
Views:	263
Size:	66.8 KB
ID:	45896


                            • Stormin
                              Stormin commented
                              Editing a comment
                              Thanks, max, the only painting I have of the Peeler.

                          • #15
                            Very cool, I'm thinking Norm Miller might be interested in this one.
                            Nice work!
                            Justin Rio

