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  • Bernie

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Name:	Bernie2.jpg
Views:	58
Size:	60.3 KB
ID:	22110

    Here is a small bit of sad history. Pictured above is Burkhardt (Bernie to his American friends) Kinzli and his 1956 Speedster.
    Bernie attended Ann Arbor Pioneer High School in Michigan and graduated in 1962. He attended Flint Community College/General Motors Institute to become an automotive engineer. He was a member of the Porsche Club of Ann Arbor and Flint. Tragicallly, he was killed in the speedster in 1965.

    The picture and info came from Bernie's nephew, Kristoph Kinzli. Kristoph spent several summers working with me while getting his phd, and we became good friends. While in NM, Kristoph rescued a '69 911T from a field. He has since done a very nice job restoring the 911. That complete story can be found here:

    (You can skip to page 49 to see what the car looks like now)

    Back to the Speedster, Kristoph's dad (Bernies brother) added the following about it and Bernie: "He bought the car in 1963 and restored the car from the ground up. This included the paint and all of the mechanical work. He rebuilt the engine and had parts sent to California for machining. The engine was 1600. He also restored and rebuilt a 57 Chevy as his daily driver."


  • #2
    Well, I'm sorry, but no matter what I try I can't seem to get the photo posted.


    • #3
      Hey David,

      Thanks! Very interesting old story. Are there anymore additional shots of him and this car? Sorry about the trouble with the photos. Sometimes the system is slow and you may need to give it 25-35 seconds to do its thing. Anyway just posted it for you. Thanks again! Justin
      Justin Rio


      • #4
        Thanks Justin. As far as I know, this is the only photo of Bernie and the car. My friend has this photo framed and hanging, and I just took a photo of the photo. I wondered if perhaps some older guys would see this recall him from the PCA days. Sad story of a life cut short.


        • #5
          A life cut short is always tragic but unfortunately this story continues to repeat itself. Bruce Baker might of known him? Maybe he'll stumble onto this thread. Thanks again! Justin
          Justin Rio


          • #6
            No, I am sorry, I did not know Bernie. I searched and searched old images for another Bernhardt (close name), a German MD, who years ago requested that he sit in my old racecar for a 'photo op' but I was unable to find that shot. His young son also sat in that Speedster and had the most happy smile anyone could imagine while he reached up and grabbed the steering wheel.
            The enthusiasm passes down, almost by osmosis and certainly by exposure.

            (BTW, I am restoring a 356 for a young man named Burghardt ...another close German name)

