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    • agenda n, plnot have an agenda of change? While I cannot presume to speak for every Member who sees a need for change, I would propose that the following items would make a good starting point for further discussion.

      A Modest Proposal of ReformI call an Agenda.

      What do you think?
      Keep 'em flying...



      • >The national entity - national presence<


        I commend the vision in your concept outline. I would, however, like to see that any concept organization include our European and International friends-enthusiasts as well.

        Solely a USA-national club suggests something of a disconnect from where Porsche was born-produced and historically exported around the world. Something to never disregard!

        Those [ very-very resourceful ] members outside the USA also deserve an equal say in things to express their opinions and share in voting rights.

        Combining all these resources with a platform of fair and friendly communication only leads to greater strength and unity for a Porsche club that this vision could be.

        Michael Doyle


        • ----------
          Keep 'em flying...



          • S.J.,

            Your points are very well taken in regards to a Club such as the 356 Registry being a 501(c)(7) Social Club.

            My thinking tends go further, in that - if a new Club was to be formed or revised as you outlined, that creates an opportunity to do just that - Be NEW and be international. An existing club structure could perhaps modify it's By-Laws and/or IRS designation to expanded its outreach capabilities beyond our own USA borders.

            I was scholarship committee chairman on my local Rotary International Club for 16 years - and saw the many ways in which connecting with R.I. members in 200 other countries makes a difference worldwide.

            New positive thinking - New positive attitudes - all leads to New positive possibilities. As many know on this site: The "old model" run by older thinking minds - needs a major overhaul.

            Michael Doyle



            • Michael and SJ

              I like your discussion about the future.

              I am fascinated by some of the detailed history of the early days of the Porsche firm, basically from 1948 to the early 911 timeframe. I think the Registry has failed to put a lot of that information on the web where anyone could see it and learn from it. Too much of it is in the old magazines, which are hard to archive, hard to store, and have limited availability to interested readers. Certainly, there is a lot of international early history that could be brought into an internationalized 356 registry if it were basically web based.

              Justin has been able to attract international readers to this wonderful site and the forums on the early cars and history of Porsche just keep getting better and better--but they also depend on an international readership for input. Don't see stuff like that on the Registry site much.

              Pat Daily


              • ----------
                Keep 'em flying...



                • "As to the much ballyhooed issues of 'openness, transparency and trust', it is my personal experience that it only exists when convenient to the interests of those in charge on both sides of this conflict."
                  Having been absent from both sites for a while, I was hoping to see from Joel that the Registry had come to terms with Mr. Heinrichs' demands for discovery as granted (ordered) by the court...and that "openness, transparency and trust" had been "conveniently" established to end this unfortunate distraction to a fun club about old Porsches.....but it seems my hopes are dashed and it's Joel, apparently now equating both 'sides' on those issues in a negative way.

                  Drat, so I read that too quickly and wound up confused, as usual. I thought Mr. Heinrichs was suing the Registry front-men for a lack of "openness and transparency." Has that situation changed?

                  Even long after the suit was begun, questions posed respectfully 'over there' by reputable members were still unanswered (actually, by official policy per one trustee, "ignored") the last time I checked...such as "How much did the 'Audit' cost?" Has that situation changed?

                  IF one is to wait long enough, that 'audit' cost will wind up in a future (maybe late) tax filing (also apparently and conveniently called an 'audit') combined with "Professional and Legal Services and whatever." That'll be in a penciled-in column next to "Miscellaneous Expenses and stuff." Open and transparent? Not exactly, but most readers of that great magazine don't really care.....

                  The worst words those of us who think we see ways to better the club can hear is "Let's just get back to talking about the cars." That's for those who don't care about the 'club' as a whole. Internal politics in a simple car club may be the last thing anyone should have to worry about, but the Registry IS a business and needs to be run according to the rules, laws and requirements pertaining to it.

                  To not run it "by the book" is disrespecting all members, the cars we love and the people and company that made them.
                  Why is that so difficult to understand for some and on what some insist?


                  • The Ohio Court Justice system will not take sides as to any of the personalities involved. In both court cases, the Judge(s) will be clear and transparent in their decisions with the Facts of Law which will prevail over individual and insider group "Agendas".

                    Then to follow is the way in which business has to be legally and properly conducted, as well as the way in which member rights are administered to...not by seat of the pants - knee jerk, emotional reactions.

                    It becomes relatively simple. The Membership body, inclusive to itself, is fully entitled to the Club - not just to a few elitists thinking they are the entitled ones.

                    -Michael Doyle-


                    • any aspect of their tenure?

                      How is this vow of Omerta appropriate to the Board of a car club?

                      Inquiring minds would like, no, should need to know the answers to these and very many other questions.
                      Keep 'em flying...



                      • From the Registry Off Topic Forum (Election Update Thread)

                        I can't or won't read about this squabble but it does come up on new posts as did this one
                        that personifies what this group of folks should be about. A young man and his significant other, investing money and thought to preserving why we are here. Like many I have owned and loved many 356' since the early 60's, and for 35 years pretty much dedicated my life to restoring these humble cars, some dead some nearly, back to where they can be enjoyed. And along the way, made some good friends.

                        Now we see entrenched and vocal enemies, for truth be known that is an accurate description, fighting a war that neither side can ever call a win because the damage done cannot be undone, regardless of who is right and who is wrong.

                        What a shame for the spirit, interest and joy of decades past and thousands of members to be so despoiled.

                        Roy Smalley
                        Keep 'em flying...



                        • Originally posted by Carrera GT" post=14268
                          Then to follow is the way in which business has to be legally and properly conducted, as well as the way in which member rights are administered to...not by seat of the pants - knee jerk, emotional reactions.

                          -Michael Doyle-
                          I find it interesting - quoting my own words - because I recently read and see the same pattern of behavior and actions repeating itself at the Registry Forum Lawsuit discussion (even Moderator deletions).

                          Hopefully, things will change...which is always a good thing . And a "New Year" is coming.

                          -Michael Doyle-


                          • The bickering seems to have started again on the registry site thread. All the bitching is doing absolutely nothing.
                            1959A coupe


                            • No resurrection from the ashes of a new "perfect" club will be possible.Peace on earth, goodwill towards mankind, except...those we hope choke to death on their fruitcake!
                              Keep 'em flying...



                              • No resurrection from the ashes of a new "perfect" club will be possible.Peace on earth, goodwill towards mankind, except...those we hope choke to death on their fruitcake!
                                Keep 'em flying...


