Thanks for expressing your views. I'll respond later to some of your other inquiries, but, I view the well-being of my friends and family as paramount and you inquired about Barry Brisco. Barry and I remain friendly although I have not had nearly as much contact as I once did when we were both moderators. My last contact was in May of this year and he was fine then. As a result of his experiences with the leadership of the Registry he has taken the principled position that he does not wish to be affiliated with such an organization. By the way, Barry, if you see this and I have mis-stated a portion, please correct me. And, hello old friend.
More later.
In the interim, if you are interested, the Registry discussion thread on the Samba is locked but still available. It is long.
Thanks for expressing your views. I'll respond later to some of your other inquiries, but, I view the well-being of my friends and family as paramount and you inquired about Barry Brisco. Barry and I remain friendly although I have not had nearly as much contact as I once did when we were both moderators. My last contact was in May of this year and he was fine then. As a result of his experiences with the leadership of the Registry he has taken the principled position that he does not wish to be affiliated with such an organization. By the way, Barry, if you see this and I have mis-stated a portion, please correct me. And, hello old friend.
More later.
In the interim, if you are interested, the Registry discussion thread on the Samba is locked but still available. It is long.