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  • Mark,
    Thanks for your opinion, but we'll have to agree to disagree on this one. We are all still very focused on the cars, and some of us on getting the club back on the proper and legal footings it deserves. The 'old guard', has won nothing, in fact has been losing fairly consistently on the legal front, and likely has a few more surprises in store in future. I don't know about the other guys here, but the ship has set sail, and has yet to reach it's destination. There are things that piss some of us off, but your opinion isn't one of them. You should perhaps consider your own advice about letting it go.
    As they say, it ain't over till the fat lady sings, and there are several acts scheduled prior to her appearance.


    • The author has deleted his most regrettable exercise in poor judgment regarding a post by Mr.Staggs.
      Keep 'em flying...



      • SJ, have you thought that possibly Jack participated on the forum when it was open to the public before being "closed"? If that is the case then he would not have been a member/subscriber but only a forum poster.

        Maybe next time ask before accusing.
        1959A coupe


        • Stephen,
          Mic has it right. I too participated when the forum was open to all.


          • Well, I did say I was confused. Tho, I don't know I would call that "accusing".

            I had not considered that possibility. Frankly, I forgot about that "guest" period, as I was simply posting as a Member then.

            Mr.Staggs, I know it won't make any difference to you, but I offer my sincerest apologies for jumping to the wrong conclusion.

            My bad. I will now edit the offending post.
            Keep 'em flying...



            • Originally posted by S.J.Szabo" post=24911
              Well, I did say I was confused. Tho, I don't know I would call that "accusing".

              I had not considered that possibility. Frankly, I forgot about that "guest" period, as I was simply posting as a Member then.

              Mr.Staggs, I know it won't make any difference to you, but I offer my sincerest apologies for jumping to the wrong conclusion.

              My bad. I will now edit the offending post.
              Originally posted by S.J.Szabo" post=24894
              The author has deleted his most regrettable exercise in poor judgment regarding a post by Mr.Staggs.
              Well ain't that a thing. How many times is it Mr Szabo, that you've bitched on about posts over on the Registry being edited and exorcised to suit one conspiracy theory or another and here you are doing the self same thing, altering your own history to suit.

              Damn if I didn't copy and paste your lyrical accusations ... I'll be quicker next time.

              I know it must seem to you that sometimes you're sat, self flagellating in a dark corner over here on ABCGT but take a look at the view count, the reality is your're stood naked in a glass case making a tool of yourself.

              One rule for one Mr Szabo, one rule for all.

              It's only fair.


              • Did I type tool ?

                I must have meant fool of course.


                • Mike,
                  Think you're way off base here. SJ made an assumption as to Jack's participation that was incorrect, though honestly and easily made. When advised of his error he made the corrections and apologized for the error. Don't recall anyone else calling anyone names such as 'fool' or 'tool' much less your other comments. I think it's someone else's turn to issue an apology. We try to keep things accurate and civil here.


                  • Of course we do Joel.

                    Shame Stephen didn't leave his post in place so latecomers to the party could judge his assumptions for themselves don't you think.

                    Now all they'll do is think the worst.


                    • What's done is done. SJ apologized. I wish he had left his original post & just added a comment under it but he didn't. It's over. Now back to Radio Free Registry.
                      1959A coupe


                      • Mr.Mycar:

                        I take it you're not a fan. Well, you can't win them all. But then, I know better than to hope to reach those purveyors of bilious invective without the stones to sign their work.

                        It was foolish to question Mr.Staggs, who is also not a fan, but who is well known for his integrity. But I will leave it up to him whether my act of contrition is sufficient; the anonymous opinion of an ill-mannered poison-darter means nothing to me.

                        As it seems you have not been paying attention, the issue on the Registy site is more often that not enough of the posts like yours, filled with personal attacks and rather low innuendo, are not exorcised often enough.

                        As to my writing style (that is executed fully clothed with both hands on the keyboard), well, do you think people would show up to see what you are saying?

                        And that's Mr.Szabo to the likes of you, buster.
                        Keep 'em flying...



                        • Originally posted by S.J.Szabo" post=24918

                          I take it you're not a fan. Well, you can't win them all. But then, I know better than to hope to reach those purveyors of bilious invective without the stones to sign their work.
                          Come now Stephen, know your audience. Joel recognises me, I'm disappointed you don't.

                          Originally posted by S.J.Szabo" post=24918
                          It was foolish to question Mr.Staggs, who is also not a fan, but who is well known for his integrity. But I will leave it up to him whether my act of contrition is sufficient; the anonymous opinion of an ill-mannered poison-darter means nothing to me.
                          Contrition ?? Wriggling on a stick more like.

                          Originally posted by S.J.Szabo" post=24918
                          As it seems you have not been paying attention, the issue on the Registy site is more often that not enough of the posts like yours, filled with personal attacks and rather low innuendo, are not exorcised often enough.
                          My aim is true. More often than not it is your posts that are populated with bitter personal attacks.

                          Originally posted by S.J.Szabo" post=24918
                          As to my writing style (that is executed fully clothed with both hands on the keyboard), well, do you think people would show up to see what you are saying?

                          And that's Mr.Szabo to the likes of you, buster.
                          Gotcha !

                          Sounds to me like you need to have a bit of a lie down Stephen.

                          Regards to you,

                          Mike Ruddy.


                          • Please...I thought we self-moderate on Justin's site? We really should be positive and leave mud-slinging to the professional politicians or those on the Registry site who apparently can't help themselves.

                            That goes for whatever 'side' one takes. Here, polite dialogue is welcomed. Respectful, direct and factual should be the norm (excepting no one, even me),...and I agree with Jack Staggs and many others that authors should have the balls (male or female) to use their real names if posting, whether if be technical or political topics......even those who post nek-id ladies-n-cars use at least their witness protection names, so why not everyone....but of course, that's Justin's decision.

                            On editing and deletion of posts: What we ought to do is compose, wait, read it again 'later' to post or edit and THEN post. I write and delete more than I send and STILL get in trouble....but usually minor errors in clarity or spelling. No one is 'perfect.' (Not even Registry trustees and officers.)(Sorry, They read this and need reminding.)

                            We are all here about the cars, old Porsches. When passionate discourse gets heated over a club about the cars that's got it's own issues, 'we'(all) need to be careful not to lose the opportunity to exchange ideas and opinions here that has been lost over there re; those topics and 'issues.'

                            Therefore, "Mycar" should not be seen as an 'infiltrator' but someone who takes issue with the posts of a 'regular' here on abcgt. I'd think a counter is a good thing. As someone from whom to learn, "Mycar" may explain better the hows and whys those on another 'side' think differently from the typical posters on this thread. I, for one, look forward to more from "Mycar" and long as everyone keeps their cool.

                            Thanks for reading.
                            Bruce Baker (screen name: "Bruce Baker") Edit: Thanks, Mike for your revelation in true name... I get it now 'M' for Mike and 'y' for the other end of your name with a car involved. Clever as I'd like to be.


                            • I would like to weigh in here if I may.

                              Mr Szabo, I DO appreciate your apology, although I find it to be a bit backhanded. You see, this started out by an assumption on your part that perhaps I was hiding something. I was not. Your next post included the phrase, "I know it won't make any difference to you...". That is not true. It is yet another assumption, which is what I believe started this mess in the first place. You may may feel differently. I respect that.

                              Fellow enthusiasts, I would implore each and every one of us (including myself) to use the utmost restraint on any post that we make. Bruce's remarks are right on target. Thank you Bruce for your attempt to bring us where we should be. Terms such as "fool", or "ill mannered poison-darter" have no place on a forum purporting to to welcome everyone, regardless of ones own opinion. These types of responses are nothing short of name calling, and only lead to polarization. Lord know we have enough of that on many forums.
                              If we are not 100% sure of something, let's compose our posts as a question.
                              OK, let's get back to making the 356 world a safe place for everyone that has any interest in these stupid little cars at all.

                              Thank you Justin for your patience.
                              Jack Staggs

                              PS: If anyone would like to contact me off line, my email is
                              Jack (analog man from the stone age)


                              • Guys,

                                A post has now appeared on the Registry Forum by Jim Liberty on the vin thread. Essentially, he expresses concern as to litigation regarding member privacy.

                                So, there is no confusion, please understand that this issue/question has nothing to do with the current litigation.

                                Steve Heinrichs

