Of course. Burning off the insulation is messy and the price of copper is down at the scrap yard.
At the moment, speaking of wiring, I'm trying to figure out how, who and why one of my guys caused this one guy to be able to come to me with a short length of new thinner gray wire and a bullet end on it to repair an original license light wire, burned by an exhaust... the cut-off of the new gray wire WITH A FRESH WHITE WRAP AND A NUMBER ON IT! That was from a NEW harness! Which 356 didn't need that part of a new harness unless it was to a newer illumination socket (for a dash instrument) that required a spade connection...and I wasn't made aware.
Anyway, Phil or anyone reading this....I likely have enough old wiring to supply decent lengths of whatever color......just let me know.
BTW, a "hard start relay" or an additional and closer "headlight relay" or a relay for almost any significant draw is a wise addition to a harness, especially older and especially 6v. It can be preventative for even a new harness or remediation for a harness 50 or more years old.
We were installing old Ford starter relays in our 356s 50 years ago. They were 6v and "hard to start" even back then. I rebuild a lot of ignition switches now that have burned contact plates. That and corrosion at every junction can really be a hassle.
Oh, yeah...and what Jack said, too.