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Joe Parker-weeks 356 South Africa

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  • Joe Parker-weeks 356 South Africa

    Hi All, while sourcing for history only car I came across some pictures of a car owned by Joe Parker-weekes.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	WorldsViewInyangaandPorsche356BJoeParkerWeekes.jpg
Views:	42
Size:	22.8 KB
ID:	73590

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Porsche356-picJoeParkerWeekesFB.jpg
Views:	47
Size:	38.1 KB
ID:	73592

    I have to check the import papers for mine but could this be my car?
    Mine was white with red interior and I found wing mirror holes on the wings. Also it was rumoured to have had a carrera engine but this picture is clearly of a standard 1600. Mine had a carrera style deck lid but is a 1600 standard.

    It would be great if some one could tell me something about the attached pictures.

    Is this my car?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	nslext2.jpg
Views:	60
Size:	161.7 KB
ID:	73591

  • #2
    Rsb is not a south african registration number we had 4 provinces each registration starting with a different letter: cape province C,freestate O Natal N and transvaal was T there is a 356 club in south africa but i have no contacts with them.


    • #3
      Hi, the text with the old pics has Rhodesia 69/70 under it. Does that make more sense?


      • #4
        The SA paperwork for export that I have has vehicle number GXH332A and registration CZH730GP.


        • #5
          Rhodesia now Zimbabwe had a strong economy and many sportscars which found their way to South Africa that registration then makes sense but i am not familiar enough to say from where the CZH 730 GP is a current type of registration from Gauteng province
          I just remembered the 356 club of South Africa is run by Peter Dorfer from Carrera motors they have a web site so hou can contact him. Be prepared for rudeness as South africans generally dont take it kindly when our cars which was very few to start of with gets exported.


          • #6
            Another South African 356 mystery !!!


